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The Ultimate Prepper & Emergency Survival Checklist

Need a reliable preppers list to navigate emergencies? This article covers all the essential items you need for food, water, medical supplies, and more.

We go into detail discussing the why behind each item, however if you want a printable preppers list, just head to the bottom of the article and enter your email and we'll send you our Ultimate Prepper and Emergency Supply Ebook that includes a printable prepper list as well.

Be prepared to evacuate at only a moment's notice in emergency scenarios by using this guide to build a comprehensive emergency kit and stay prepared for any situation.


Key Takeaways

  • Start with the basics: Prepping is an ongoing process that involves having a plan, essential supplies like food, water, and shelter, and acquiring core skills.
  • Emergency supplies: Stock up on non-perishable foods, water (at least one gallon per person per day for two weeks), medical supplies, tools, and consider needs for pets, personal hygiene, and essential documents.
  • Preparedness for specific scenarios: Prepare for various disasters by having a well-thought-out strategy, including aspects like communication tools, emergency shelters, mental health support, and regular practice with survival gear.
  • Think about VERSATILITYwhen choosing an item for you emergency kit. Certain pieces can be used in multiple ways in a pinch. For example, a Bandana can protect your head from the sun, but it can also be used as a tourniquet or water filter in a pinch.

Food & Water



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Medical Supplies

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Gradually Expand your Supplies & Knowledge

Embarking on your prepping journey might seem daunting at first, but keep in mind that we all start from scratch. The secret lies in learning the basics first, and gradually expanding your knowledge and skills. Being prepared in an emergency situation can drastically increase your chance of survival. It’s important to have a plan and necessary supplies ready. Prepping isn’t a one-time event; it requires planning, resources, and core skills. Essentials such as food, water, and shelter are crucial, but having well-thought-out items and acquired skills can greatly improve life during resource limitations or when leaving home. These additional resources and abilities can provide a significant advantage in challenging situations. The contents of this ultimate prepper’s guide are basic by design, catering to the diverse needs of preppers depending on their location and access to resources.

Feeling overwhelmed by this list initially is normal, but with time, you’ll become more comfortable. Remember, there’s no need to rush - take your time. Prepping is an ongoing process that involves rotating, restocking, and checking equipment frequently. It’s crucial to know the expiry dates of perishable items and to keep your supplies in top condition. We believe that this list will offer valuable information and be a helpful starting point for your prepping journey. We hope it serves you well.

Emergency Preparedness Supplies

Essential Food Storage

Having a dependable food supply is essential during emergencies, guaranteeing food availability and self-sufficiency following a natural disaster. Modern experts recommend being prepared with at least two weeks of emergency food supplies. Planning an emergency food supply that fulfills specific nutritional requirements is vital to maintain energy levels and provide sustained energy.

Freeze-dried food is a popular choice due to its longer shelf life. Emergency food supplies should include non-perishable foods that do not require refrigeration. Starting emergency preparedness now is critical to handle unexpected situations such as natural disasters.

Shelf Stable Food

Shelf-stable foods are indispensable components of any prep kit, guaranteeing consistent nutrition during emergencies. Canned foodsare considered shelf-stable and can last two years or longer if stored in cool, dry locations. Dehydrated or freeze-dried foods are lightweight and require extra water for rehydration, making them a practical choice for long-term storage.

When planning your emergency food supply, consider any special needs of family members, such as dietary restrictions or allergies.

Including comfort foods like cookies, hard candy, and sweetened cereals can provide stress relief during emergencies. These small pleasures can make a significant difference in maintaining morale and a sense of normalcy. By stocking up on shelf-stable foods, you’ll have a reliable food source with a long shelf life, ensuring you and your family are well-fed during any crisis.

An emergency food supply should comprise of nutritionally balanced meals, focusing on foods that don’t require refrigeration.

Rotate non-perishable canned and dry staple items in storage once or twice a year to keep the supply fresh (Freeze Dried Food Storage is good for 25 years, so noworries with those items).

Having a well-thought-out emergency food supply eliminates stress, worry, and inconveniences by planning for your food needs during a crisis.

It’s also a great idea to include a variety of food items to ensure you meet your nutritional requirements. By being prepared with a reliable food source, you’ll be better equipped to handle unexpected situations and maintain your energy levels.

Shop Emergency Food
Emergency Food Storage

Emergency Food Supply List:

The food you have on hand is a crucial element of your prepper checklist. Next to water, having a minimum of 3 months of nutritious, calorie-dense food should be your top priority. If things go badly, you might not have the luxury of going to your local supermarket to pick up more supplies.

5 Gallon Bucket – If you want your food not to spoil, you need strong, solid plastic containers with airtight gasket lids.

Mylar Bags – Made from several layers of food-grade plastic, Mylar bags come in a variety of sizes and will extend your food shelf life. Just make sure you throw some oxygen absorbers in the bag before you seal it up.

Canned Goods – Canned goods are easy to make, store, and last for years. Meats, fish, vegetables, soups, and full meals are all found in cans.

Bulk Dried Goods – The staple food category on every prepper’s food list. Bulk dried goods are calorie-dense, lightweight, and can be kept for years if stored properly. Staple foods include:

  • Beans & Legumes (Pinto, Kidney, Black, Chickpea, Lima, Navy, Black-Eyed)
  • Rice
  • Wheat Pasta
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Grits
  • Wheat Berries
  • Popcorn
  • Cornmeal
  • Flours (potato, corn)

Cooking Fats – Oils and fats are essential to properly cooking your food during an emergency. Be aware that oils have varying shelf lives. Coconut oil arguably has the longest life of any natural oil, and hydrogenated shortening like Crisco can last even longer, though it’s much less healthy.

Spices & Seasonings – Spices make your food taste better, and can last for years if stored properly. Food variety may be scarce in an emergency, so you’ll want all the seasoning you can get.

Seasoning like soy sauce and vinegar will last nearly forever and can double as a cleaning product, as well. Baking powder/soda is another multi-function product great for cooking, cleaning, and washing.

Vegetable Seeds – Having a stock of seeds on hand lets you grow your food from the ground wherever you are. Seeds can also be handy for trading and bartering.

Pet Food – Don’t forget your pet! Keep plenty of pet food on hand for your furry friends.

Freeze Dried – So easy, just add water! These emergency food storage kits are built to last a lifetime and come in a huge variety of meal options for any taste and preference. There are many great freeze-dried food companies out there with buckets containing anywhere from 30-90 meals. Most buckets are made for long-term storage containing Mylar pouches, heavy-duty zip-lock seals, and oxygen absorbers which allow the food to stay fresh for 25 Years!

A lot of people opt to make their own Freeze Dried Food storage as well using a home freeze-dryer so you can use ingredients from your garden or farm.

Water Storage and Purification

Stockpiling emergency food is essential for survival, just like having enough water. Both are essential for ensuring your well-being in emergency situations. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends storing at least one gallon of potable water per person per day for three days. However, most experts suggest preparing for at least two weeks. Proper water storage tanks are recommended to ensure water is not left to chance.

Emergency water purification systems can serve as an alternative to storing large amounts of water. Multiple filters and purifiers should be included in a prep kit to ensure access to clean water when a clean water source is not available. Natural disasters often compromise municipal water systems, making water purification essential. Contaminated water after disasters can carry diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and hepatitis.

Water Storage & Purification Systems

Storing at least one gallon of water per person each day for a minimum of two weeks is recommended. This totals 14 gallons of water per person, ensuring you have enough for drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene. While this might seem like a lot, it’s crucial to account for all your water needs during an emergency. Regular rotation of stored water is necessary to ensure it remains clean and consumable.

Storing water in large quantities can take up significant space, posing a challenge for households. To manage this, consider using a combination of large water containers and smaller, portable bottles for traveling. It’s important to keep water sources separate by not storing water in water bottles only, which can make large quantities easier to manage.

Water Purification Systems

In emergencies, a dependable water purification method is necessary to secure clean drinking water for cooking, gardening, laundry, and other household tasks. Water purification methods include using emergency water filters, water purification tablets, and filtration systems.

Examples of effective water purification systems include pocket-sized water purifiers Lifestraw as well as more robust systems like the Berkey Water Purification System – One of the easiest and best purifiers on the market able to purify over 6000 gallons of water with its 2 included filters. Killing 99% of pathogens, viruses, bacteria, & trihalomethanes, the Berkey water purifying system is available in multiple sizes and comes with a backpack for easy transport. The Filters also last for years of use, so no worries about running out monthly like regular store bought filters!

Items to keep in mind:

Waterproof Matches – Don’t skimp on quality here. Make sure you get wax-coated matches to ensure they’ll still work in wet conditions.

Water Purifier Tablets – These tablets aren’t meant for long-term use, but will kill any harmful pathogens and viruses if you run out of clean water.

Water Bottles – You want to keep your water sources separate, and have smaller water containers in case you need to travel long distances between water sources.

Pocket Filters – We’re lucky enough to live in an era of incredibly fast and pocket-sized water purifiers. Some popular ones include the Steripen, Lifestraw, & Katadyn.

Food Grade Plastic Containers – Don’t store your water in any old plastic container, as particles can leach out over time and contaminate your water. Make sure you only buy food-grade plastic buckets for food and water storage.

Bathtub Basin – Plastic bathtub liners like the Waterbob let you quickly and easily fill up your tub before your supply gets cut off and gives you a huge supply of fresh, clean water.

Shop Water Purifiers
Berkey Water Filter


Unless you plan to only eat canned goods during an emergency, you’ll need to think about how you’ll cook your food both with and without electricity.

Can opener – If you are storing canned goods, you’ll want a couple of these on hand.

Unbreakable Plates/Dishes – You don’t want to take your fine china or heavy porcelain plates with you in an emergency. Good quality plastic ware is nearly unbreakable, foldable, lightweight, and easily washable.

Kettle – Heats water fast and doubles as a heat source. I would recommend one that can be placed directly on a fire or stove to keep it versatile.

Aluminum foil – Aluminum foil is incredibly versatile. In addition to wrapping food for cooking and storage, aluminum foil can help seedlings grow, protect your skin, clean ashes, collect rainwater, reflect heat, and can be molded into a plate, bowl, or cup.

Cast iron pan– Cast iron pans will last forever if properly seasoned and stored, won’t warp or crack, and are easily used in open fires. (also doubles as a weapon!)

Wood-burning stove – Wood stoves are handy for cooking and heating when the power goes out. If you don’t live in an area with wood nearby, consider a multi-fuel stove to be as flexible as possible.

Solar Generator - Of course having an electricity source on the go will open up a lot more opportunities for cooking, boiling water etc.

Shop Solar Generators

Emergency Medical Supplies

During a disaster, accessing medical care might be challenging or even unfeasible, which underscores the importance of a first aid kit. Given the limited access to medical care during a disaster, it’s important to have essential medical supplies and a comprehensive first aid kit.

An untreated wound or illness can quickly make survival much harder. We have many conveniences at our fingertips but many don't realize the challenges presented when those are not available. Medical supplies and personal hygiene products are must-haves for any prepper’s checklist.

This section will cover the components of a first aid kit, managing prescription medications, and personal hygiene products.

First Aid Kit

A well-stocked first aid kit should include items like:

  • Gauze pads
  • Adhesive bandages
  • Absorbent compress dressings
  • Adhesive cloth tape
  • Antiseptic wipe packets
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • A breathing barrier
  • An instant cold compress
  • Tweezers
  • Tourniquets
  • Slings
  • Suture Kit
  • Liquid Stitch
  • Antihistamines
  • Scissors

It’s also essential to include personal items such as medications and emergency phone numbers.

Check first aid kits regularly for expired or used items and replace them. Basic first aid and CPR training are essential skills for beginners in first aid prepping, as familiarity with the kit and its components is crucial for proper usage and could save a life.

Prescription Medications

Talk to your doctor about obtaining an emergency supply of prescription medications to ensure you have a steady supply during a crisis. Including a list of medications and medical conditions can be crucial in emergencies to manage your health properly and provide essential information to healthcare providers.

First Aid Kit

Personal Hygiene Items

Hygiene and sanitation products are crucial to prevent health issues and the spread of disease in a crisis.

Keeping a stockpile of bathroom hygiene products reduces the chances of personal health declining during emergencies. Beginners should stock up on items like:

  • Hand sanitizers
  • Wet wipes
  • Soap
  • Hair products
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Dental care products
  • Toiletries

Specific personal hygiene items to include in emergency supplies are:

  • Soap
  • Deodorant
  • Toilet paper
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Moist towelettes
  • Garbage bags
  • Plastic ties

These items are essential for personal sanitation in an emergency.

Having a clean environment can help lower the chance of getting sick and reduce the reliance on crowded hospitals during emergencies.

Personal Hygiene

Emergency Tools and Equipment

Emergency Tools and Equipment

Possessing the appropriate tools for emergencies is crucial to manage daily tasks and handle emergencies effectively. A basic emergency supply kit should include essential tools such as:

  • manual can opener
  • multi-tool
  • knife
  • hatchet
  • saw
  • fire starter
  • shovel
  • hammer & screws
  • zip ties
  • buckets
  • duct tape
  • glue
  • scissors
  • bungee cord
  • a compass
  • maps
  • fishing gear

Hand Crank Radio

A hand crank radio is invaluable during emergencies, enabling you to:

  • Receive vital weather updates and alerts even in the absence of electricity
  • Stay informed about the storm’s progress during a hurricane
  • Get NOAA weather radio updates

Having a battery-powered or hand-cranked radio allows you to stay connected and prepared during emergencies.

Hand Crank Radio

Duct Tape and Aluminum Foil

Due to its incredible versatility, duct tape can be used for various purposes in emergencies. Some of its uses include:

  • Repairing broken tools
  • Creating makeshift shelters
  • Sealing gaps in windows or doors
  • Acting as a temporary bandage

Its strength and flexibility make it an essential item in any emergency kit.

Aluminum foil is another multipurpose item that can be extremely useful in various emergency situations. Some uses of aluminum foil include:

  • Cooking food
  • Signaling for help
  • Creating makeshift pots
  • Reflecting heat

Both duct tape and aluminum foil are lightweight and easy to store, making them invaluable additions to your emergency supplies.

Duct Tape and Aluminum Foil


In the event of a power outage or in a cold environment, having dependable sources of light and heat is paramount for safety and comfort. These essentials can make a significant difference in navigating such situations. Reliable lighting and power sources are crucial in emergencies.

A good light source is important to avoid serious risks and ensure safety for you and your family.

I recommend having LED Flashlights with extra batteries and a large stock of candles and matches as part of your home emergency kit.

Of course if you have a solar generator on hand you can plug in a lamp without issue as well. Solar generators are totally safe to use indoors. Just be careful to NEVER use gas generators indoors, as the carbon monoxide can kill you in minutes.

LED Flashlight – Small pocket-sized flashlights are good to have, but ensure you have at least 1 large, weatherproof flashlight with backup batteries. LED’s will provide more light and consume less power.

Pocket Lamp – perfect if you run out of batteries. Just hand crank for a few minutes and you’re good to go.

Lighters – lightweight, compact, and a good source of fire and light. Make sure you have a variety of lighters and at least a few that are weatherproof.

Headlamp – Having both hands free for other uses while navigating in the dark is essential. Spring for a good quality headlamp with multiple settings and a red light mode.

Candle & Flashlight

Backup Power

Having a power source that you can safely use indoors to keep your fridge running, CPAP machine going, lights, heating etc can be the difference between life and death in the event of an emergency. Solar Powered Generators can be charged using solar panels, but you can also charge it up quickly with your homes standard AC plug while the power is still on and the generator will store that power for when you need it the most. 

Benefits of a Solar Powered Generator:

  • Can be safely used indoors, unlike gas generators that MUST be used outside so they don't leak harmful/potentially deadly CO2 in your home
  • Quiet. They Don't make noise so they won' keep you awake or alert outsiders
  • Multiple methods of charging. You can charge via Solar Panels, AC Plug, Auxiliary outlet in a vehicle, Wind Turbine etc. 
  • Portable. You can bring it with you incase you need to evacuate. 
  • Depending on the generator you buy, you can use it to plug directly into your 30AMP to run your Rv
Shop Solar Generators
Candle & Flashlight

Shelter and Clothing

Shelter & Clothing

Adequate shelter is essential for survival, shielding you from harsh weather conditions and predators at only a moment’s notice. Without proper shelter, a person can succumb to exposure in three to four hours.

This section will cover the essentials of shelter and clothing for emergency preparedness, including sleeping bags and warm blankets, extra clothing, and emergency shelters.

Sleeping Bags & Blankets

Sleeping bags are crucial for providing insulation and warmth in cold environments. They help prevent conduction heat loss by creating an insulation barrier between your body and the ground. Blankets also play a crucial role in retaining body heat, preventing hypothermia, and treating shock by maintaining core temperature.

Having a combination of sleeping bags and warm blankets ensures that you can maintain optimal body temperature and protect yourself from the cold. These items are essential for any emergency kit, especially in regions with cold weather.

Sleeping Bag – The size and temperature rating of your sleeping bag should depend on the climate you live in. A good night's sleep is incredibly important in a stressful situation.

Emergency Blanket – Super lightweight and portable, these blankets provide extra warmth and, like tarps, have dozens of other practical uses.

Shop Sleeping Bags
Sleeping Bag

Extra Clothing

Multiple small layers of clothing can trap air for insulation and help regulate body temperature. Cold weather clothing should include:

  • Moisture-wicking materials to prevent evaporation and maintain warmth
  • A variety of clothing options to adapt to changing weather conditions
  • Clothing that ensures comfort during emergencies

Warm Clothing – Even warmer climates can still see unseasonal weather changes, especially if you have to travel at night. It’s better to have extra layers than not enough.

Wide-brimmed Hat – Deters pests and keeps you protected from the sun’s harsh UV rays.

Polarized Sunglasses – Protection against UV rays for your eyes.

Good Quality Boots – This is an important one. If you need to travel long distances, or over unstable terrain, a good pair of boots protects your feet and gives you stability. Blisters from bad footwear can be incredibly debilitating and dangerous. Always make sure your boots are broken-in before using them for long distances.

Thick Socks – Again, protecting your feet is of the utmost importance.

Bandanas – A bandana is an Incredibly versatile piece of clothing that also can be used for signaling, marking territory, washing, as a tourniquet, and as a water filter.

I would recommend having a jacket on hand like the Baerskin SoftShell Jacket seen in the photo. It's completely waterproof, crazy durable and fleece lined to keep you warm with a ton of pockets to keep gear on the go.

Shop Baerskin Jackets
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Emergency Shelter

Emergency shelters that block wind and provide shade from the sun are vital in extreme temperatures. Using tents and plastic sheeting can create effective emergency shelters to protect from environmental hazards. Duct tape can be combined with plastic sheeting to create a shelter-in-place setup during emergencies.

Having a plan for creating emergency shelters is crucial for maintaining your safety and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with extreme heat or cold, a well-constructed shelter can make all the difference in your ability to survive and thrive during an emergency.

Good Quality Tent - Large enough for the whole family/household. A good tent is strong enough to protect against the elements and predators but lightweight enough to easily carry with you.

Heavy-duty tarp – A good tarp is incredibly versatile and can be used for anything from a shelter, to use as a rain catcher, poncho, privacy curtain, signaling device, stretcher, and more.

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Communication Devices

Communication Devices

During a crisis, staying informed and connected is essential. If the Internet and cell towers go down, you’ll want to be prepared and able to communicate.

It's important to ensure everyone is aware of the situation and feels connected to support each other. Mobile phones act as immediate communication tools for real-time updates and instructions.

This section will cover the importance of HAM radios and whistles for emergency communication.

  • Ham Radio
  • Hand Crank Radio
  • Walk Talkies
  • Solar Charger
  • Whistle
  • Contact Numbers

Ham Radio

A HAM radio is a two-way radio that allows for both transmitting and receiving communication over long distances. It is made up of several components, including a transceiver, antenna, and power source.

One of the key advantages of HAM radio is its ability to communicate over long distances without relying on external infrastructure like cell towers or the internet. This makes it highly reliable during emergencies when typical communication networks might be down.

In the US and Canada, you need a special license to operate a HAM Radio. It's a pretty complicated device, so consider getting licensed and practicing now.

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Whistles and Other Forms of Communication

Whistles are the most reliable way to call for help. They can effectively alert large crowds or signal for help over long distances. A whistle can be a lifesaving tool if you get lost in the woods. It can also be used as a warning signal to others.

Hand Crank Radios are a good backup in case of emergency. Many come with built-in flashlights and solar panels.

Walkie-Talkies are great for close-range communication. Don’t forget plenty of extra batteries.

Solar Chargerin case the electricity goes down is always a good idea.

Contact numbers – Write down your important numbers of family, friends, and radio frequencies so you don’t forget them.

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Important Documents and Personal Items

Important Documents and Personal Items

During emergencies, it’s essential to secure important documents and personal items to preserve your identity and legal status. Ensuring that you have all essential documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and IDs is crucial for various legal and administrative purposes. These documents, including citizenship papers and wills, are important for proving identity and legal status. This section will cover tips for storing birth certificates and insurance policies, and strategies for maintaining financial security.

Birth Certificates and Insurance Policies

Keep printed copies of birth certificates in your disaster supply kits; they should be kept in original form or as a certified copy for identity verification. Ensure that printed copies of insurance policies are included in your disaster supply kits.

In addition to birth certificates and insurance policies, include social security cards, military records, and marriage licenses in your emergency kits.

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Bartering Items and Cash

Having some cash on you at all times is important incase there is a short disruption of banking services. However, in the case of a longterm disruption, you'll want to have barting items stockpiled and ready to go. Here are some items you may want to bulk up on:

  • Gold & Silver
  • Alchohol
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Food Storage Kits/Dry Goods
  • Ammunition
  • Medicine/Pain Meds
  • Batteries
  • Spices
  • Solar Panels
  • Fishing gear
  • Knives/Tools
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Everyday Carry & Bug Out Bags

Everyday Carry & Bug Out Bags

Essentially, a bug out bag is an emergency kit that is perpetually packed and ready for use. The purpose of a bug out bag is to have the right core essentials to survive, comfortably handle the aftermath of an emergency, and potentially help others around you.

This section will cover the essential items for an everyday carry kit and the purpose of a bug out bag.

EveryDay Carry

An Everyday Carry (EDC) checklist typically includes a phone, lighter, flashlight, multitool, CCW pistol, paracord, medical supplies, respirator, USB battery, notepad, pen, ICE (In Case of Emergency) information. An EDC kit often includes essential items like a flashlight, compass, paracord, and a multi-tool.

It’s essential to have a high-performance charger, a straight-edge blade, and a whistle in your EDC kit. One recommended option for a portable phone charger for emergencies is a rechargeable charger that can be powered by solar energy. This can provide a sustainable and reliable power source when needed. Additionally, having five days worth of cash for expenses like fuel, food, and lodging is crucial.

multi tool

Bug Out Bag

The Bug Out Bag (BOB), Get Home Bag (GHB), is often the first place prepper’s start. These bags are designed to grab and go immediately and contain a small amount of the basics needed for survival.

The Bag - This isn’t your everyday school bag. You need a bag made from heavy duty materials with lots of storage pockets and space. Some of the contents should include:

  • Lightweight food (Freeze Dried)
  • Pocket Water Filters
  • First Aid Kit
  • Navigation Tools
  • Small Handheld Tools
  • Backup Communication
  • Lightweight Cooking Equipment
  • Sleeping Bag/Tent
  • Cash
  • Appropriate Clothing
  • Fire Starters & Matches

Local maps are important for navigation during a disaster when electronic devices might fail.

Preparation for disaster requires gathering the right supplies, knowing their location, and maintaining them properly. It also involves developing skills to use the supplies effectively.

By having a well-prepared bug out bag, you ensure that you have the necessary items to survive and stay safe during an emergency.

We have a detailed article about Bug Out Bags here if you want more info!

Bug Out Bag

Learning Core Survival Skills

Learning Core Survival Skills

Acquiring critical skills is key to enhancing your preparedness for emergencies. It’s not just about having resources but also about acquiring knowledge and abilities.

This section will cover the essential survival skills and the importance of practicing with your gear.

Survival isn’t just about the things you have; it’s about the skills you know and the knowledge you have. Any of these skills will give you a serious advantage over those who don’t know them, and they can prove useful in bartering or helping others in need. You can easily learn the basics of most of these online for free.

Being prepared in an emergency gives you the best chance for survival, period. While this isn’t an exhaustive list, it should get you started on your way. Use this checklist to get yourself started. You can add things slowly, and there are always skills to learn and improve upon. We hope you’ve found this ultimate prepper checklist and guide helpful.

  • Canning & Food Preserving
  • Cooking Skills
  • Basic Medical Training
  • Basic Survival Skills
  • Morse Code
  • Map Reading
  • HAM License & Operation
  • Gardening
  • Bee Keeping
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Foraging, Edible Plants & Mushrooms
  • Land Navigation
  • Animal Tracking
  • Animal Trapping
  • Preparing Game & Fish
  • Hunting & Fishing
  • Machine Mechanic
  • Wood Working
  • Hand-To-Hand Combat
  • Basic Firearm Training
  • Welding
  • Sewing
  • Knot Making

Survival Skills

Key survival skills include starting a fire, tying knots, building a makeshift shelter, purifying water, and navigating by nature. To remain self-reliant in terms of obtaining food, essential skills include hunting, fishing, trapping, and foraging.

Regular practice with survival gear ensures you can use it effectively in an emergency. Practicing skills is as important as practicing with gear. By acquiring these core skills, you’ll be better prepared to handle any emergency situation.


Practice with your Gear

After creating an emergency preparedness checklist, beginners should:

  1. Participate in prepping communities and forums to regularly practice and improve their skills.
  2. Regularly practice with your survival gear to ensure you can use it effectively in an emergency.
  3. This practice will help you become more confident and competent in handling your equipment and surviving in challenging situations.
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Prepping for Specific Scenarios

Prepping for Specific Scenarios

Prepping guarantees preparedness for a variety of disasters, encompassing natural disasters and power outages. Tailored strategies for different natural disasters and emergency situations are crucial because they ensure that you are prepared for the specific types of events that are most likely to affect your area.

This section will cover preparing for natural disasters and dealing with power outages.


Natural Disasters

To mitigate water damage caused by flooding, here are some steps you can take:

  • Board windows and doors to protect the inside of the building from potential water infiltration.
  • Use sandbags to cover floor wastes and drains to reduce the amount of gray water entering your home during severe storms.
  • Check FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Map to identify potential emergency areas and reinforce infrastructure in flood-prone zones.

Include transportation and logistics for critical resources in multi-hazard mitigation plans to ensure effective disaster response. Dust masks can help filter contaminated air in disaster situations.

By taking these steps, you’ll be better prepared to handle natural disasters and protect your home and family.

It's always a good idea to have a Bug Out Bag ready incase of evacuation scenarios as well as an evacuation route your entire family is aware of.

Each area is prone to different types of natural disasters, so being aware of any potential threats in your area is key. Hurricane and Flood area will need evacuation routes and Tornado prone areas will need to be aware of where to hide (bunker, basement under stairs etc.).

Power Outage

Power Outages

During a power outage, you should focus on using perishable food first, then foods from the freezer, and finally non-perishable foods. Keeping your freezer well-insulated and well-filled can help keep food cold for 2 to 3 days. Here are some tips to follow during a power outage:

  • Use perishable food first.
  • Use foods from the freezer next.
  • Use non-perishable foods last.
  • Keep your freezer well-insulated and well-filled to help keep food cold for 2 to 3 days.
  • Cover the freezer with blankets to retain cold air, but avoid covering the air vent.

Prepare for two weeks without power by ensuring you have emergency lighting and alternative cooking options. Matches in a waterproof container can provide a reliable fire-starting method. By being prepared for power outages, you’ll be able to maintain your food supply and stay safe during extended periods without electricity.

Also consider buying a Solar Generator. Solar Generators are safe to use indoors(NEVER USE GAS GENERATORS INDOORS), so you can plug in your fridge, lighting etc. Hooking up your Solar Generator to Solar Panels will keep your power running and prevent running out.


Food & Water



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Medical Supplies

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Maintaining Your Mental Health in an Emergency

Maintaining Your Mental Health in an Emergency

During emergencies, maintaining mental health entails dealing with pre-existing conditions, stress induced by the emergency, and issues arising from the humanitarian response. Emergencies often lead to an increase in common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, with their prevalence expected to more than double.

Comfort items can provide a sense of normalcy and emotional relief during stressful situations. Including items like books, games, and music can help distract from the immediate stress and improve overall morale. These simple pleasures can make a significant difference in maintaining a positive outlook during an emergency.

Board games, in particular, can alleviate stress and provide a sense of normalcy during emergencies. Having a few comfort items in your emergency kit can greatly improve your mental health by providing distractions and activities to pass the time.

Ensuring the mental well-being of all family members in emergencies is critical, as different individuals can experience varying levels of stress. Open communication within the family about fears and concerns can mitigate anxiety and improve collective mental health. This supportive environment can help reduce overall stress levels and create a stronger sense of unity.

By addressing the mental health needs of each family member, you can create a more resilient and prepared household.Ensuring that everyone feels heard and supported will help in managing the emotional challenges that come with emergencies.

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Being Prepared Feels Amazing

Being prepared for emergencies involves more than just stockpiling supplies. It requires a comprehensive approach that includes food storage, water purification, medical supplies, emergency tools, shelter, and communication devices.

By following this ultimate prepper checklist, you’ll be better equipped to handle any crisis that comes your way. Remember, preparation is a journey, not a destination. Stay vigilant, keep your supplies updated, and continue to learn and practice essential survival skills. Your future self will thank you.

Be Prepared

Preppers List Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the First Rule of Prepping?

You don't talk about prepping. Unfortunately if a disaster strikes, you don't want people that are unprepared to come and take what you've stockpiled, so best to keep it to yourself.

How much water should I store for emergencies?

You should store one gallon of water per person per day for at least two weeks in case of emergencies. This will ensure that you have an adequate supply of water for your needs.

What are some essential items for an everyday carry kit?

Make sure to include a phone, lighter, flashlight, multitool, and some cash in your everyday carry kit for essential items.

How can I ensure my prescription medications are available during an emergency?

Make sure to speak with your doctor to secure an emergency supply of your prescription medications and remember to keep a list of your medications in your emergency kit. Stay safe!

What are some strategies for maintaining mental health during emergencies?

During emergencies, it's important to have comfort items like books and games, and to maintain open communication with family members to support mental health. Stay connected and find ways to relax and distract yourself.

How do I start my prepping journey without feeling overwhelmed?

Start small by focusing on the basics: food, water, and shelter. Gradually expand your supplies and skills over time. Remember, prepping is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time.

What types of non-perishable foods should I stock up on?

Stock up on canned meats, fruits, vegetables, high-energy foods, and comfort foods. Freeze-dried and dehydrated foods are also excellent choices due to their long shelf life.

What should I include in my first aid kit?

Your first aid kit should include gauze pads, adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, an instant cold compress, personal medications, and emergency phone numbers.

How often should I rotate my emergency food and water supplies?

Rotate non-perishable food items once or twice a year and check the expiration dates regularly. Replace stored water every six months to ensure it remains fresh and potable.

What essential documents should I include in my emergency kit?

Include birth certificates, insurance policies, social security cards, marriage licenses, and copies of any other important documents. Keep them in a waterproof container.

How can I ensure my pet is prepared for emergencies?

Include enough pet food and water for at least two weeks, along with any necessary medications, a leash, collar, and a pet first aid kit. Don't forget comfort items like toys or blankets.

What tools and equipment are essential for an emergency kit?

Essential tools include a manual can opener, multi-tool, knife, hatchet, fire starter, shovel, duct tape, scissors, flashlight with extra batteries, and a hand crank radio.

How can I maintain personal hygiene during an emergency?

Stock up on soap, hand sanitizers, wet wipes, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, dental care items, and garbage bags. Maintaining hygiene helps prevent illness.

What are some core survival skills I should learn?

Learn how to start a fire, tie essential knots, build a makeshift shelter, purify water, and navigate using a map and compass. Regularly practice these skills to stay prepared.

Was your question not answered? PLEASE reach out. We'd love to hear from you and be helpful in any way we can!

Wild Oak Trail
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Small Family Business

Saxon & Hailey started this business in 2017 together and still personally work in the business every day

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Prepping is important! As I'm writing this article, I'm reflecting on my own skills and inventory!

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We source quality products. The last thing you want in an emergency is something to break!

Saxon Funk
Saxon Funk

Saxon Funk, co-founder and driving force behind Wild Oak Trail, embodies the spirit of self-sufficiency and preparedness. Launching the venture over six years ago with his wife, Hailey, Saxon has steeped himself in mastering solar generators, heating solutions, food storage, and off-grid living essentials, becoming a veritable guru in the field. His expertise is more than theoretical; it's practical, as evidenced by his own home, equipped with the very products Wild Oak Trail proudly offers. Saxon's passion extends beyond commerce; he thrives on the assurance of providing for his family in any circumstance, fervently believing in empowering others to do the same through the quality resources and knowledge he shares through his business.

5 Responses

Michael Schmotzer
Michael Schmotzer

February 25, 2025

looking forward to reviewing you list


January 29, 2025

Thanks for this awesome resource!


April 29, 2024

In spite of the fact I’m continental East-European, I take this page as very important. I prepared my own scheme for escape, but your is detailed and good motivating, actually under nowaday Europe situation. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.


November 02, 2023

Hey Sam! Thanks for your comment, that’s a great suggestion. Do you have a youtube channel that you documented your build? That would be super interesting to see!

Sam S.
Sam S.

November 02, 2023

Everyone needs to be prepped. A lot of people don’t have anything ready for any kind of situation. One thing I noticed that isn’t mentioned on this site is a safe room. It is not that expensive to build your own safe room out of cement block. I have built three of them already and for around 7 to 8 k you can have a 10×12 solid concrete safe room made which is tornado proof, fireproof, and bulletproof. And these are above ground safe rooms that you can add on to your garage or home or be free-standing.

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