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Green Toilet: The Amazing Composting Outhouse Solution

by Patricia Turla July 03, 2024 5 min read

Every day, multiple times a day, we use our toilets. But have you ever thought about how much water your toilet uses? Or wondered if there’s a better way to deal with waste?

Why does this matter? Well, our planet needs all the help it can get. Every flush of a regular toilet uses gallons of clean water. That’s a lot of waste. Plus, the chemicals used to treat sewage aren’t great for the environment either. Yet, Green Toilet Lux offers a practical way to make a difference right in our own homes.


What is the Green Toilet Lux Composting Toilet?

The Green Toilet Lux is a sustainable, water-saving toilet system that composts human waste, turning it into valuable compost through natural processes.

Unique Features of the Green Toilet

The Green Toilet Lux includes features such as a non-urine diverting design, an odor control system, user-friendly operation, and eco-friendly materials.

Benefits of the Green Toilet

The Green Toilet benefits various groups, including homesteaders, camps, off-grid cabins, and farmers, by offering a water-saving, eco-friendly, and sustainable waste management solution.

What is the Green Toilet Lux Composting Toilet? 

Green Toilet Lux 330 Composting Toilet | Learn More Information About Green Toilet

The Green Toilet Lux Composting Toilet is an advanced, environmentally-friendly toilet system designed to minimize water usage and turn human waste into valuable compost. Unlike traditional flush toilets that require large amounts of water, this toilet offers a sustainable alternative by using natural processes to decompose waste safely and efficiently.

Comparison with Traditional Composting Toilets

When compared to traditional composting toilets, the Green Toilet Lux offers several advantages:

  • Advanced Ventilation System: While traditional composting toilets can sometimes struggle with odor control, Green Toilet Lux’s advanced ventilation system ensures a completely odorless experience.

  • Compact and Stylish Design: Many composting toilets are bulky and unattractive, but the Green Toilet Lux has a sleek, modern design that fits into any bathroom decor.

  • Ease of Maintenance: Traditional composting toilets can be labor-intensive to maintain, often requiring frequent emptying and cleaning. In contrast, the Green Toilet Lux is designed for easy maintenance, with a large capacity composting bin that needs less frequent attention.

  • Safe and Hygienic: The enclosed system of the Green Toilet Lux ensures that all waste is safely contained and transformed into compost, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring a hygienic environment. Traditional models sometimes have issues with leakage or improper composting, leading to health concerns.

  • Energy Efficient: While some composting toilets require external power sources for fans or heaters, the Green Toilet Lux operates efficiently with minimal energy use.

Unique Features of the Green Toilet

Green Toilet Lux 330 Composting Toilet Containers Set


The Green Toilet comes packed with features designed to make your experience as eco-friendly as possible:

  • Non-Urine Diverting Design: Unlike many composting toilets that separate urine, the Green Toilet allows urine to flow directly into the compost which actually speeds up the composting process. Then excess liquid gets drained at the bottom of the container. 

  • Odor Control System: With advanced ventilation and sealing mechanisms, the Green Toilet ensures that your bathroom stays fresh and odor-free.

  • Easy to Use: The Green Toilet is user-friendly, requiring minimal changes to your routine. Simply use it like any regular toilet, but with the added peace of mind that you’re making a positive environmental impact.

  • Eco-Friendly Materials: Made from materials designed to last while being gentle on the planet.

Advantages of Having Urine Run Through the Compost

Allowing urine to pass through the compost offers several remarkable benefits:

  • Enhanced Nutrient Content: Urine is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for compost.

  • Moisture Control: Urine adds necessary moisture to the compost, helping to maintain the ideal conditions for microbial activity.

  • Reduces Pathogens: The presence of urine can help in reducing the pathogens in the compost, making the final product safer for use.

  • Simplifies Maintenance: Without the need for a separate urine diversion system, the Green Toilet is easier to clean and maintain.

How Urine Accelerates Composting

Understanding how urine accelerates composting can provide deeper insights into why the Green Toilet is such an effective product.

Decompose Carbon-Rich Materials (Toilet Paper)

Urine is an excellent source of nitrogen, a key component required for the breakdown of organic matter. Nitrogen acts as a catalyst in the composting process, accelerating the decomposition of carbon-rich materials like toilet paper and other organic waste.

Microbial Activation

The presence of urine in the compost activates and sustains microbial activity. Microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, thrive in environments where nitrogen is abundant. These microorganisms are essential for breaking down complex organic materials into simpler, compostable substances.

Balancing pH Levels

Urine can help balance the pH levels within the compost. A balanced pH is essential for optimal microbial activity and overall compost health. By maintaining a suitable pH level, urine ensures that the composting process remains efficient and effective.

Heat Generation

The composting process generates heat, which is necessary for breaking down waste materials. Urine contributes to this heat generation, maintaining a higher internal temperature in the compost. The heat not only speeds up decomposition but also helps to eliminate pathogens, resulting in safe and hygienic compost.

Benefits of the Green Toilet

Discover More the Green Toilet Lux | Enhance Own and Visitor Experience


The following user group benefits from Green Toilet:


Homesteaders, who often aim to live self-sufficiently and sustainably, will find the green toilet to be an invaluable addition to their homes. Traditional toilets require a substantial amount of water for each flush, which can be a significant drawback for those relying on limited water resources. The green composting toilet, however, uses minimal to no water, making it a perfect fit for homesteaders.

Camps and Campgrounds

For camps and campgrounds, providing a comfortable and safe experience for visitors is paramount. The green toilet offers an innovative solution that sets camps and campgrounds apart from the rest. These toilets are easy to set up and maintain, ensuring a clean and odor-free environment. The result? Happy campers who appreciate the commitment to sustainability. By reducing water usage and eliminating chemical waste, camps can proudly promote eco-friendly practices, attracting environmentally conscious visitors.

Off-Grid Cabins

Living off-grid comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to waste management. Off-grid cabins can greatly benefit from the toilet, which requires no connection to a sewage system. This independence is crucial for remote locations where traditional plumbing is not feasible. The green toilet’s composting capabilities also provide a safe and hygienic way to manage waste, making it an essential product for those seeking a sustainable lifestyle in isolated areas.

Farmers and Rural Areas

Farmers and residents of rural areas often face the challenge of managing waste without harming the environment. The green toilet offers a practical and eco-friendly solution. By reducing water usage and eliminating the need for chemical waste treatments, these toilets help maintain the integrity of the local ecosystem. Additionally, the compost produced by green toilets can be safely used as fertilizer, providing an added benefit for agricultural activities.

Green Toilet Lux Composting Toilet More Info

To Sum it Up

From homesteaders and campers to off-grid cabin dwellers and farmers, everyone can experience the advantages of this eco-friendly product. By significantly reducing water usage and chemical waste, green toilets contribute to a healthier planet. Embracing these toilets is a positive step towards a greener future for all. So, why not discover the green toilet and set your path towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible lifestyle?

Have any questions or would like to place an order? We'd love to help! Chat with our friendly customer service team by calling 1-844-945-3625, chatting in on our website or email us at customersupport@wildoaktrail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Patricia Turla
Patricia Turla

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