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How Does a Laveo Dry Flush Toilet Work?

Have you ever wondered how you can maintain comfort and hygiene without a conventional plumbing system while on a camping trip, in a truck camper, or marine head? The Laveo dry flush toilet provides a smart, hassle-free solution.

But how does a Laveo Dry Flush Toilet work? Like a regular toilet, the Laveo provides convenience without the need for a holding tank or running water. Learn more about the function, features, and benefits of this portable toilet below.

Overview of Dry Flush Toilet Technology

Laveo Dry Flush Toilet | Jiffy Pop

Dry flush toilets, like the Laveo, use a Mylar liner bag to seal and contain waste. Each time you use it, the waste is wrapped and sealed away, locking in odors and ensuring an airtight environment. Hence, there are no odors, no mess, and no plumbing required.

Benefits of Using a Laveo Dry Flush Toilet

Using a Laveo dry flush toilet has several perks:

  1. Portability: Going for a camping trip, living in a truck camper, or sailing, the Laveo dry flush toilet can be set up just about anywhere, provided you have a level surface indoors or outdoors.

  2. Odor-Free Operation: The airtight mylar liner bags ensure no unpleasant smells.

  3. Chemical-Free Convenience: Unlike composting toilets that often require chemicals, the Laveo dry flush operates without any added substances, making it environmentally friendly.

  4. Convenient: Operates just like a regular toilet, providing a familiar and hassle-free experience.

  5. No Toilet Paper Restrictions: The Laveo dry flush toilet works with any type of toilet paper, unlike many composting toilets that require specific types of toilet paper.

Getting Started with Your Laveo Dry Flush Toilet

When you receive your Laveo Dry Flush Toilet, the box contains the main unit, mylar liner bags, a rechargeable battery, and a mounting kit. Ensure you have all the components before you start the setup.

Installing the Mylar Liner Bags and Ensuring an Airtight Configuration

The mylar liner bags are similar to a diaper genie, designed to contain waste and keep the unit odor-free. To install it, do the following:

  1. Open the Toilet: Lift the lid of the Laveo Dry Flush Toilet and remove the bowl cover. Doing so will expose the holding tank where the Mylar liner bags will be placed.

  2. Insert the Liner Bag: Place a mylar liner bag inside the bowl, ensuring it fits inside securely. The liner should cover the entire bowl and extend slightly over the edges.

  3. Airtight Configuration: Ensure the liner is placed correctly and creates an airtight seal around the bowl to keep the toilet odor-free and prevent leaks.

  4. Secure the Liner Bag: Once the Mylar liner bag is in place, close the bowl cover. Ensure the liner is not pinched or twisted, which could affect its performance.

Step-by-Step Guide to the First Flush

With the Laveo Dry Flush Toilet set up and the mylar liner bag installed, you are ready for your first flush.

  1. Using the Toilet: Sit on the Laveo toilet and use it just like a regular toilet. The dry flush toilet can handle both solid and liquid waste without the need for water or chemicals.

  2. Adding Pee Powder: After use, sprinkle a small amount of pee powder into the bowl to solidify the liquid waste and control the smell.

  3. Initiate the Flush: Press the flush button on the side of the unit. The Laveo dry flush system will activate, sealing the waste in the mylar bag and starting the flush cycle.

  4. The Jiffy Pop Effect: During the flush, you will notice a “Jiffy Pop” effect as the liner twists and seals the waste. This airtight configuration ensures the waste is contained and odor-free.

  5. Check the Bag: After flushing, the bag will be sealed and pushed into the holding tank. The toilet is now ready for the next use.

  6. Replacing the Bag: When the refill cartridges are empty, you will need to replace the liner bag. Open the holding tank, remove the used bag, and insert a new mylar bag following the previous steps.

Emptying the Cartridge of a Laveo Dry Flush Toilet

Refill Catridges

The Laveo dry flush toilet cartridge typically holds up to 15 to 17 flushes before it needs to be replaced. Identifying when the cartridge needs to be emptied ensures the toilet continues to function properly. The flush toilet uses pee powder and mylar liner bags to contain waste, and when the cartridge is nearing its capacity, you might notice the following signs:

  • The toilet paper and waste are closer to the top of the bowl.

  • The flush mechanism might feel slightly different or less effective.

  • An indicator light, if your model has one, will signal when the cartridge is almost full.

Detailed Instructions on Removing the Cartridge

Once you have determined that the cartridge needs to be emptied, follow these detailed steps to remove it safely:

  1. Prepare the Area: Ensure you have a level surface indoors or in an outdoor setting where you can work comfortably. Perform this task in a well-ventilated area to avoid any foul smell.

  2. Open the Toilet: Lift the seat and the bowl lid to access the cartridge compartment. The Laveo dry flush toilet is designed for easy access, making this step straightforward.

  3. Unlock the Cartridge: Depending on your specific model, there might be a locking mechanism holding the cartridge in place. Release this mechanism to free the cartridge.

  4. Remove the Cartridge: Carefully lift the cartridge out of the toilet. It’s designed to be leak-proof and sturdy, but handle it with care to prevent any spills or movement that might cause leaks.

Proper Dumping Methods

Disposing the used cartridge from your Laveo dry flush toilet must be done responsibly. Here are the steps and considerations:

  1. Find an Appropriate Site: The waste contained in the cartridge should be disposed of in a suitable location, such as a designated waste disposal site. Avoid emptying the contents into regular household trash unless permitted by local regulations.

  2. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that the site handles human waste safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. Use facilities designed for black water or hazardous waste.

  3. Proper Bag Disposal: The Mylar liner bags should be sealed tightly before disposal. Such a step ensures that the waste remains contained and minimizes the risk of leaks or contamination.

Guide to Replace the Cartridge

Replacing the cartridge in your Laveo dry flush toilet is a simple process that ensures your toilet remains odor-free and functional:

  1. Insert a New Cartridge: Place a new cartridge into the toilet, ensuring it is securely positioned in the holding tank. Typically, it involves aligning it with the mounting kit designed to hold it in place.

  2. Secure the Cartridge: Lock the new cartridge in place using the toilet’s locking mechanism. Securing it ensures that the cartridge won’t move during use and that the toilet remains airtight.

  3. Check the Seal: Make sure the liner bag is properly sealed and that there are no gaps where odors might escape. When used correctly, the Laveo dry flush toilet’s design helps retain an odor-free environment.

  4. Power and Testing: If your model uses a rechargeable battery, ensure it is charged and functioning. Test the flush mechanism to confirm everything works flawlessly.

Using Pee Powder in a Laveo Dry Flush Toilet

Applying pee powder correctly is essential to ensuring that your Laveo dry flush toilet works efficiently and remains odor-free.

  1. Prepare the Toilet: Ensure the Laveo dry flush toilet is set up on a level surface to prevent movement and potential spills. Make sure the refill cartridges are properly installed, and the toilet is ready for use.

  2. Add Pee Powder: Sprinkle a generous amount of powder directly onto the liquid waste after using the toilet. The amount of powder needed will depend on the volume of waste, but a good rule of thumb is to use enough to cover the entire liquid surface.

  3. Wait for Absorption: Allow the powder a few moments to absorb the liquid waste and transform it into a solid gel. This process usually takes just a few minutes.

  4. Seal the Waste: Once the waste has been solidified, use the toilet’s dry flush mechanism to encapsulate it in an airtight container.

  5. Dispose of Waste Properly: When the cartridge is full, remove it from the toilet and dispose of it according to local regulations. The Laveo dry flush toilet’s waste disposal system is designed to be straightforward and hassle-free.

Tips for Maximizing the Efficiency of Pee Powder

To get the most out of your powder and ensure your Laveo dry flush toilet works flawlessly, consider the following tips:

  • Use the Right Amount: Too little pee powder can result in inadequate absorption and odor control. Ensure you are using enough powder to completely cover the liquid waste.

  • Distribute Evenly: Spread the powder evenly over the waste to maximize absorption and prevent any spots from being missed.

  • Store Properly: Store it in a cool, dry place to prevent it from clumping or losing effectiveness.

Power Options for the Laveo Dry Flush Toilet

Laveo Dry Flush Portable Toilet

Installation and Maintenance of the Power Options

The Laveo portable toilet offers three main power sources to suit various scenarios:

Rechargeable Battery

Installation: The rechargeable battery comes pre-installed in the Laveo Dry Flush Toilet. To use it, simply charge it using the provided charger until it is fully powered. The battery is designed to securely fit inside the toilet’s compartment, ensuring it remains in place during use.

Maintenance: Maintaining the rechargeable battery is straightforward. Regularly check the battery level and recharge it when necessary. The battery should be stored in a dry, cool place to extend its lifespan and replaced periodically to ensure the toilet works flawlessly.

Car Charger

Installation: Using the car charger is as simple as plugging the charger into your vehicle’s 12V power outlet and connecting it to the Laveo Dry Flush. Ensure the vehicle is running or in accessory mode to provide power.

Maintenance: The car charger requires minimal maintenance. Periodically inspect the charger and cables for any signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary. Keep the car charger stored in a safe, dry place when not in use to prevent damage.

Standard Electricity

Installation: To power the Laveo Dry Flush with standard electricity, connect the power adapter to the toilet and plug it into an electrical outlet. Ensure the outlet is in good working condition and the connection is secure.

Maintenance: Similar to the car charger, the standard electrical setup requires minimal maintenance. Regularly check the power adapter and cables for damage and replace them if needed. Ensure the electrical components are kept dry and free from any potential hazards.

Benefits of Having Multiple Power Options

Having multiple power options for the Laveo Dry Flush Toilet offers significant benefits, making it a versatile and reliable solution in various situations:

  1. Flexibility: The rechargeable battery allows the Laveo Dry Flush to be used virtually anywhere, from remote campsites to construction sites, without the need for a constant power source. The car charger adds another layer of flexibility for those on the go, ensuring the toilet remains operational during long road trips or boating adventures.

  2. Reliability in Emergencies: In emergencies where electricity might be unavailable, the rechargeable battery ensures the Laveo Dry Flush can still be used.

  3. Money-Saving: Multiple power options can lead to cost savings over time. The rechargeable battery reduces the need for disposable batteries. Meanwhile, the car charger and standard electricity options provide flexibility in choosing the most cost-effective power source based on availability and usage patterns.

  4. Environmental Benefits: By offering a chemical-free, waterless solution, the Laveo Dry Flush is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional composting toilets. Using a rechargeable battery further reduces environmental impact by minimizing waste and the need for disposable batteries.


Laveo Dry Flush Electric Toilet for Your Space | Water Resistant
Laveo Dry Flush Toilet Prices and Info

The Laveo dry flush toilet offers a revolutionary approach to waste management, combining portability, comfort, and efficiency in a single unit. From unboxing and initial setup to the first flush and ongoing maintenance, this dry flush toilet provides a reliable, odor-free, and chemical-free solution for a variety of applications. Being off-grid, on the cabin, or simply in need a backup toilet option, the Laveo dry flush toilet absolutely meets the demands of modern living without the need for traditional plumbing.


Have any Questions or would like to place an order? We'd love to help! Chat with our friendly customer service team by calling 1-844-945-3625, chatting in on our website or email us at customersupport@wildoaktrail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Patricia Turla
Patricia Turla

Patricia, a seasoned writer and editor, brings a wealth of experience and a pinch of flair to the world of off-grid living. With a sharp pen and an ever-curious mind, Patricia has collaborated on and edited various publications covering off-grid solar power, prepper's canning and preserving, and water purification. These numerous publications under her belt have been instrumental in shaping how-to guides and educational material for those keen on being off the grid. Beyond that, her commitment to empowering others with knowledge and her hands-on experience make her a trusted voice in the community of sustainable living advocates.

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