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The Ultimate Guide to Living in a Tent Full-Time

Living in a tent full-time might seem like an extreme lifestyle choice, but for those who embrace it, tent living offers a unique way to connect with the great outdoors, reduce your carbon footprint, and live a simpler, more intentional life.

Tent life requires preparation, so we'll explore the essentials and how to make the transition as easy as possible.

Kodiak Canvas 10x10 Cabin Tent

Is Full-Time Tent Life Possible?

Absolutely! With the right preparation and mindset, living in a tent year-round is not only possible but can also be highly rewarding. The key to success is proper preparation, including choosing the right gear, understanding the challenges, and knowing how to adapt to different weather conditions.

Choosing the Right Tent

When it comes to full-time tent living, not all tents are created equal. Canvas tents, especially wall tents and bell tents, are popular choices due to their durability and insulation properties. Among these, Kodiak Canvas Cabin Tents stand out for their quality, spaciousness, and all-season capability.

Canvas Cabin Tent

Kodiak Canvas 12x16 Cabin Tent

A canvas cabin tent, such as those offered by Kodiak Canvas, is designed to provide a cabin-like experience with the durability of canvas materials. The combination of durability, space, and all-season capability makes them perfect for permanent setups and comfortable living.


  • Extremely durable and weather-resistant

  • Spacious interior with high ceilings and vertical walls

  • Multiple windows and ventilation options

  • Stove jack options available for heating

Use Cases:

  • Best for full-time living and extended stays

  • Suitable for families or those needing extra space

  • Ideal for all-season use, providing comfort and protection

Bell Tent

Bell Tent

A bell tent is a round canvas tent supported by a single central pole. It's known for its classic and elegant design. The high ceiling and spacious interior make it comfortable enough for indoor activities, give you plenty of storage space, and can help you adjust to tent life better.


  • Spacious with a high ceiling

  • Typically made from heavy-duty canvas

  • Central pole for support and stability

  • Multiple windows and ventilation options

Use Cases:

  • Ideal for individuals or small families

  • Suitable for both short-term camping trips and long-term living

  • Provides a cozy and aesthetically pleasing living space

Wall Tent

Kodiak Canvas Wall Enclosure

A wall tent, also known as an outfitter tent, is a rectangular canvas tent with vertical walls that can sometimes be added onto a regular cabin tent. It is often used for hunting and outdoor expeditions. As a full-time home, the vertical walls provide more usable interior space, making it feel more like a traditional home and also easier to furnish.


  • Sturdy and spacious with high walls

  • Made from durable, weather-resistant canvas

  • Can accommodate wood stoves with stove jacks

  • Offers ample headroom and living area

Use Cases:

  • Perfect for long-term camping and outdoor living

  • Ideal for families or groups needing more space

  • Suitable for various weather conditions and seasons

Geodesic Tent

Geodesic Tent

A geodesic tent features a dome-like structure with multiple intersecting poles, providing exceptional stability and wind resistance. Their structural stability and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions make them a reliable option for long-term tent living in rainy and windy areas.


  • Highly stable and weather-resistant

  • Lightweight yet sturdy design

  • Good ventilation and insulation properties

  • Often equipped with multiple vestibules for storage

Use Cases:

  • Suitable for extreme weather conditions and rugged terrains

  • Ideal for long-term camping and living

  • Perfect for those needing a stable and secure shelter

Essential Gear

  • Comfortable Flooring: A wooden platform under your canvas tent provides a level surface and protection from moisture.

  • Sleeping Bag and Extra Blankets: High-quality sleeping bags and plenty of blankets are essential for staying warm.

  • Wood Stove and Stove Jack: For heating and cooking, a wood stove with a stove jack is invaluable.

  • Food Storage: Invest in proper food storage solutions to keep your supplies safe from wild animals.

  • Water Access: Ensure you have easy access to fresh water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning.

Find a Tent Bathroom

For this lifestyle, the Nature's Head Composting Toilet is a great option for waste removal. It's a self-contained, waterless toilet system that uses a natural composting process to break down waste.

Nature's Head Composting Toilet

Nature's Head Composting Toilet Features

  • Self-Contained Design: The Nature's Head Composting Toilet is a self-contained unit, making it perfect for off-grid living and small spaces like tents.

  • No Water Needed: This toilet operates without water, conserving valuable resources and eliminating the need for plumbing.

  • Odorless Operation: The venting system and built-in fan ensure no foul smells while you do your business.

  • Easy to Use: Simple to install and use, with straightforward maintenance requirements.

  • High Capacity: The composting chamber can handle long periods of use before needing to be emptied, making it ideal for those living in a tent.

  • Environmentally Friendly: The composting process naturally breaks down waste into compost, reducing environmental impact.

  • Durable Construction: Made from high-quality materials, it’s built to withstand the rigors of outdoor living.

  • Versatile Placement: Can be installed in various locations within any large tent, offering flexibility.

  • Low Energy Consumption: The built-in fan operates on minimal power, making it suitable for solar-powered setups.

Get Water From a Portable Water Filter

Travel Berkey Water Filter

Travel Berkey Water Filter

Access to clean water is crucial when living in a tent. The Travel Berkey Water Filter is an excellent solution, capable of filtering up to 2.75 gallons of water per hour. This gravity-based system requires no electricity, making it perfect for off-grid living. Its portability and efficiency ensure you always have access to clean, safe drinking water, no matter where your adventures take you.

  • High Capacity: The Travel Berkey Water Filter can filter up to 2.75 gallons of water per hour, ensuring you always have a sufficient supply of clean water.

  • No Electricity Needed: As a gravity-based filtration system, the Travel Berkey operates without electricity, making it ideal for off-grid living.

  • Portability: Its compact design allows for easy transportation, so you can take it with you wherever you go.

  • Effective Filtration: The Berkey filter removes bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other contaminants, providing you with safe and pure drinking water.

The Power of a Portable Power Station

Lion Safari by Lion Energy

Lion Energy Lion Safari

While living in a tent full-time often means reducing reliance on traditional utilities, having access to electricity is a must if you value comfort, convenience, and want to maintain any semblance of civilization. The Lion Safari by Lion Energy is a reliable portable power station that can meet your energy needs.

Pairing it with one or a few 100W solar panels from Lion Energy will allow you to stay charged without additional costs, ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly electricity source. This setup can power essential devices, lights, and small appliances, making your tent life more comfortable.

  • Reliable Power Source: The Lion Safari is a dependable portable power station that can meet your energy needs, from charging devices to powering small appliances.

  • Solar Compatibility: If going solar, the Lion Safari can handle up to 600W of charging power.

  • Portability: Its lightweight and compact design make it easy to transport, perfect for tent living and outdoor activities.

  • Versatility: The Lion Safari can power a variety of devices, including lights, phones, laptops, and more, enhancing your comfort and convenience while living off the grid.

Pros and Cons of Tent Living


  1. Connection with Nature: Living in a tent allows you to immerse yourself in the great outdoors, fostering a deeper appreciation for nature.

  2. Reduced Carbon Footprint: With less reliance on traditional housing and utilities, your environmental impact is significantly lower.

  3. Cost Savings: Tent living can be much cheaper than traditional housing, allowing you to save money.

  4. Simplicity: Embrace a minimalist lifestyle, focusing on what truly matters.

  5. Improved Health: Fresh air, natural light, and physical activity contribute to a healthier lifestyle.


  1. Weather Challenges: Adapting to different weather conditions, including cold, rain, and direct sunlight, can be tough.

  2. Limited Space: Living space in a tent is limited, requiring careful organization and prioritization of belongings.

  3. Safety Concerns: Protection from wild animals and ensuring personal safety are ongoing concerns.

  4. Access to Utilities: Limited access to running water, electricity, and other utilities can be inconvenient.

  5. Maintenance: Regular upkeep of your tent and gear is necessary to ensure durability and functionality.

Where to Live in a Tent in the US

Certain locations in the US are more suited to full-time tent living due to climate, accessibility, and available amenities. Some of the best regions include:

National Parks


  • Scenic Beauty: National parks offer stunning natural landscapes, making your living environment beautiful and inspiring.

  • Basic Amenities: Many parks provide access to restrooms, showers, and potable water, adding convenience to tent living.

  • Community: You'll be surrounded by fellow nature enthusiasts and adventurers, fostering a sense of community.


  • Limited Stay Duration: Most national parks have regulations on how long you can stay, which might require frequent relocations.

  • Crowds: Popular parks can be crowded, especially during peak seasons, which can affect privacy and tranquility.

  • Permits and Fees: Living in national parks often requires permits and can include camping fees, adding to your costs.

  • Free Campsites: Public lands often have free or low-cost campsites suitable for long-term stays.

  • Mild Climate Areas: Regions with moderate weather year-round, such as parts of the Pacific Northwest or the Southeast, are ideal.

Free Campsites on Public Lands


  • Cost-Free Living: Public lands often offer free or low-cost campsites, making them ideal for living in a tent for the budget-conscious.

  • Isolation and Privacy: These sites are typically less crowded, providing more privacy and a closer connection to nature.

  • Variety: Public lands are vast, offering a wide range of environments and landscapes to choose from.


  • Limited Amenities: These campsites may lack basic amenities such as restrooms and potable water, requiring more preparation on your end.

  • Accessibility: Some sites can be remote and challenging to access, especially for larger vehicles.

  • Regulations: There may be restrictions on campfires, stay duration, and other activities, which you need to adhere to.

Mild Climate Areas


  • Comfortable Weather: Regions with mild climates offer year-round comfortable living conditions, reducing the need for extensive heating or cooling.

  • Extended Outdoor Activities: Less bad weather means more consistent and enjoyable outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and exploring.

  • Less Gear: You won't need as much specialized gear to handle bad weather, simplifying your setup.


  • Seasonal Crowds: Mild climate areas can attract many tourists and seasonal residents, leading to crowded conditions.

  • Cost of Living: Popular areas with mild climates can have a higher cost of living, even for camping.

  • Wildlife: Some mild climate regions have a higher presence of wildlife, requiring more vigilance and safety measures.

Why Kodiak Tents Are the Best Choice

Kodiak Canvas 12x12 Cabin Tent

Durability and Comfort

Kodiak tents are designed for heavy-duty use and can withstand various weather conditions. Their breathable yet waterproof canvas material ensures comfort in both hot and cold climates. The spacious interiors provide ample living space, making them suitable for long-term stays.

Versatility and Options

Kodiak offers a range of sizes and configurations, from smaller models perfect for solo adventurers to large tents suitable for families. Features like a stove jack, multiple windows for ventilation, and durable construction make these tents highly versatile.

Kodiak Canvas Tent Prices and More Info


Full-time tent living is a viable and enriching lifestyle choice for those willing to embrace its challenges and rewards. With the right preparation, equipment, and mindset, you can create a comfortable and sustainable home in the great outdoors. Kodiak Canvas Cabin Tents offer the durability, space, and features needed for this lifestyle, making them the best tent choice for long-term tent living.


Have any questions or would like to place an order? We'd love to help! Chat with our friendly customer service team by calling 1-844-945-3625, chatting in on our website, or email us at customersupport@wildoaktrail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Cliff Co
Cliff Co

Cliff, a passionate storyteller and hardcore seller, here to share insights and knowledge on all things prep. He firmly believes in only selling things he'd use himself, making sure only the best get to his readers' hands.

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